Hello everyone!
Today is another rolled cookie and it's.... Turtle Doves.... You should know where this is headed if you've been reading my blog.

Yes, as in Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Ta da! I tried to make them look cute-ish. the pearls in the feathers are light pink but you cant really tell very much from the pictures. The eyes are a silver pearl, and when I say pearl I don't mean real ones! These are made from sugar, anything that you eat should be entirely edible!

I think I may double up some of the coming days after finals week so I can use my other cookie cutters, we'll see. I have a lot more cookies planned but I'm not sure if there's enough days in December for them all! Wish me luck.
There are now,
12 days left until Christmas, you have been warned.
Happy eatings
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