Monday, July 11, 2011

BACON hair clips!!!!

As many of you know I'm addicted to bacon, to the point where I'd even wear it! SO I made bacon HAIR CLIPS!!! yes, they are here.... get yours while they are still hot and sizzling in fat. YUM! Take a look at these little guys and tell me you wouldn't love wearing them.

I even put a nice wash over them so they glisten as bacon should...

Doesn't it make you HUNGRY!? bacon just sitting in the pan... mocking you with its deliciousness...
They are about 2 inches, they'll be at ComicCon as well.... and I'll most likely be wearing them at the booth =]

See you guys soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hello, it's Wendy from the Con! I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to continue making my clay foods. I even posted my stuffs from last year and after on my blog, you should come see!!

